


Website for Polish e-commerce specialized in tincture making kits. The entire site is built on next.js 14 Data is stored in MongoDB, and payments are handled through Stripe Payments. The Shopping Cart is made with a React context provider, serving as a client-side component that displays information about cart items based on data retrieved from a database. - Payments are handled via custom logic written based on the stripe.com/api/documentation. Essentially, a new checkout.session created each time when a client clicks 'Pay' button in the shopping cart. - All the data about the products is retrieved from MongoDB. - Form validations are handled with React-Hook-Form and Zod. - Dynamic rendering for each product and dynamic SEO description based on the data retrieved from the MongoDB. - Human-readable, self - healing URLS. (Thanks to the https://mikebifulco.com/posts/self-healing-urls-nextjs-seo) If you write the wrong url - it is not a problem: Wrong url example: https://kupaz.xyz/smaki/irisXh-2 - it will redirect you to the https://kupaz.xyz/smaki/irish-2 - Filtering functionality for products The data from the <select> dropdown is "reactive" to the url params - Animations made with framer - motion - Swiper.js for photos